A George III Mahogany Bracket Clock By Stephen Hale, London, circa 1785
A George III mahogany table clock Stephen Hale, London, circa 1785 The five pillar twin fusee bell-striking movement with verge escapement regulated by short bob pendulum, trip hour repeat and backplate engraved with asymmetric rococo scrolls, the 7 inch brass break-arch dial with calendar aperture and arched silvered nameplate signed Stephen Hale, Highgate to the finely matted centre within applied silvered Roman numeral chapter ring with Arabic five minutes to the outer track, with pierced steel hands and rococo scroll cast spandrels to angles beneath arch centred with a subsidiary STRIKE/SILENT selection dial flanked by conforming mounts, the bell-top case with hinged brass carrying handle and pineapple finials to superstructure over double-cavetto top mouldings and front door incorporating raised mouldings to the break-arch glazed dial aperture and foliate scroll pierced upper quadrant frets, the sides with circular over concave-topped rectangular windows, the rear with rectangular break-arch glazed door set within the frame of the case, on cavetto moulded skirt base with cast brass ogee bracket feet, 46cm (18 ins) approx. high excluding handle; with a mahogany wall bracket, with cavetto-edged platform over single down-curved tapered square section support incorporating complex top mouldings at the junction with the platform, 15cm (6ins) high; the clock on wall bracket 61cm (24ins) approx. high excluding handle. Stephen Hale is recorded in Baillie, G.H. Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World as working in Highgate, London from before 1772 until 1808.