A Victorian Mahogany 8-Bell/4-gong Triple Fusee Bracket Clock
A Victorian mahogany and gilt brass mounted bracket clock with eight day movement chiming on eight bells and five gongs, the silvered dial with Westminster or Whittington chime selection, the case with boxwood stringing and inlaid with a butterfly, raised on
spherical feet, height 63 cm, width 33.5 cm,
A Victorian mahogany and gilt brass mounted bracket clock with eight day movement chiming on eight bells and five gongs, the silvered dial with Westminster or Whittington chime selection, the case with boxwood stringing and inlaid with a butterfly, raised on
spherical feet, height 63 cm, width 33.5 cm,
spherical feet, height 63 cm, width 33.5 cm,
A Victorian mahogany and gilt brass mounted bracket clock with eight day movement chiming on eight bells and five gongs, the silvered dial with Westminster or Whittington chime selection, the case with boxwood stringing and inlaid with a butterfly, raised on
spherical feet, height 63 cm, width 33.5 cm,
Tax included.